Friday, July 30, 2004

Drove my spouse to work in time to see the mortuary loading a body bag.

After seeing the body bag first thing in the morning, thinking about Syl's passing and how her circumstances mirrored my sister Alice's death, I felt the need to drive. Just drive with no destination in mind. I discovered Griffith Park has a camp. Who knew!

Monday, July 26, 2004

My darling cat helping me with the photos and computer. He's ready to start his own consulting business!

Friday, July 23, 2004

South Pasadena Farmer's Market

Local public radio station KPFK, always has an informational display booth at the entrance to the farmer's market. They're not confrontative in any way and everyone is free to approach the table and discuss the issues. I appreciate their presence and the fact that they're not brash.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Passenger side view. I know it's hard to see because of the reflection - sorry. This is a display at the Orange County Fair of a DUI Fatal Accident. You're viewing the victim's car.

View of driver's side.

DUI crash report.

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Moody Monday Theme - Organized
Mac Tonight!
Leave it to my comadre to know the correct answer. When it comes to pop culture or trivia, don't challenge Ceci, she'll put you in your place faster than anyone.  LOL  I am so thrilled to finally have the answer. I can now stop dreaming about it and searching my subconscious!
Okay, is anyone else up for the challenge of identifying the other less obvious characters? Like, who's the guy to the right of Ronald, the guy to the left of Mac Tonight, the girl to the left of Ronald and the blue blob at the end of the table? The artist should have identified them for pop culture-challenged folk like me!
Ceci, being the thorough person that she is, even corroborated her answer by searching the Net and emailing me the following description found on eBay:
This cool customer only came out at night. Wearing a formal tuxedo with a big red bowtie, he'd stand in the starlight and sing McDonald's praises.

Mac Tonight embodied McDonald's attempt to attract adult patrons to their restaurants after the kids had gone to bed, and to advertise their new late-night hours. Mac's favorite music was jazz, and on his moon-shaped face he sported cool dark sunglasses. He was occasionally spotted riding his jet-ski, flying his plane over McDonaldland, or driving his convertible to his favorite late-night hang-out under the Golden Arches.

Here, Mac Tonight is represented as a seven-inch, soft rubber puppet -- just his moon-shaped head and cool shades!

My thanks and kudos to Ceci - you're da bomb, girl!

Saturday, July 17, 2004

More art from Orange County Fair.
A truly unique and creative idea. I got a real kick out of this one!

The artist was very creative! I don't know if the plastic figures were toy give aways in Happy Meals or items you could buy with the purchase of any meal. Can anyone identify some them?

Friday, July 16, 2004

Visual Art from the Orange County Fair
This visual art piece received a lot of viewers and sparked much discussion. In particular, what's the moon (extreme right) character's name? I recall he's a McDonald's character Mc the something!

Enlargement of 'Fast Supper' text. Boomers really liked this piece.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

The Fab Four - a Beatles tribute.

Love, Love Me Do

Hey, Jude

A smashing concert and loud applause.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

This chap was at the Farmer's Market in South Pasadena and I found his setup intriguing. I wish he would have opened his storage to reveal what he was toting! LOL Isn't it amazing how creative people are when they don't have an automobile?

Monday, July 05, 2004

Moody Monday Theme: Broken