Mac Tonight!
Leave it to my comadre to know the
correct answer. When it comes to pop culture or trivia, don't challenge Ceci, she'll put you in your place faster than anyone. LOL I am so thrilled to
finally have the answer. I can now stop dreaming about it and searching my subconscious!
Okay, is anyone else up for the challenge of identifying the other
less obvious characters? Like, who's the guy to the right of Ronald, the guy to the left of Mac Tonight, the girl to the left of Ronald and the blue blob at the end of the table? The artist should have identified them for pop culture-challenged folk like me!
Ceci, being the thorough person that she is, even corroborated her answer by searching the Net and emailing me the following description found on eBay:
This cool customer only came out at night. Wearing a formal tuxedo with a big red bowtie, he'd stand in the starlight and sing McDonald's praises.
Mac Tonight embodied McDonald's attempt to attract adult patrons to their restaurants after the kids had gone to bed, and to advertise their new late-night hours. Mac's favorite music was jazz, and on his moon-shaped face he sported cool dark sunglasses. He was occasionally spotted riding his jet-ski, flying his plane over McDonaldland, or driving his convertible to his favorite late-night hang-out under the Golden Arches.
Here, Mac Tonight is represented as a seven-inch, soft rubber puppet -- just his moon-shaped head and cool shades!
My thanks and kudos to Ceci - you're da bomb, girl!