The rectangular item above the water is the camp stove. The large white square on the right is the fridge and the lantern is between the fridge, the water and behind the wine glasses!
I first laid eyes on one of these during a Travel Channel special on RV travel/living. I was immediately smitten with the Teardrop trailer and longed to go camping. I haven't gone camping in so long, that I am feeling the need to get away and commune with nature. I can't do tent camping anymore because it's just too darn hard on the back and neck. The ground's hard no matter how you try and cushion or camouflage it!
We went to the Fair and I was ecstatic to see the Teardrop for sale and find a local manufacturer. These trailers are ideal for anyone who doesn't have/want an SUV in order to tow a trailer. They're compact - super compact - as the photos illustrate, but this is also what makes them extremely portable and light weight.
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