It seems like everywhere I go, someone is either listening to an MP3 player, usually an iPod or has one ear bud from cell phone. We are one very connected and multi-tasking culture!
I enjoy photographing inanimate objects because most people I am contact with do not want their photos published on the web. I respect this and do not push the envelope.
I don't claim to be a photographer or even have an eye for photography. I like to photograph and document what interests me or happens to grab my attention.
After all, life is happening all around and not everything can be primmed and propped for a "photo shoot". Like life, photographic opportunities are spontaneous and oftentimes, fleeting.
I love music, film and technology. The digital lifestyle suits me fine and I'd be lost without it. The geekier the better and I love folks who have a great sense of humor, a twinkle in their eye and a spark in their nature.
We only live once. Let's make it the very best!
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