Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Right Tools for the Job

I know many of us don't give dumpster divers a second look, let alone credit for being properly equipped for their forays. Whilst on a walk I came upon this diver's mobile tool center and was quite impressed to find:

~ Gardening shears
~ Bolt cutter
~ Electrical & duct tape
~ Extra plastic bags for holding bottles, plastic bottles and paper.
~ Bungee cords
~ A grabber like device for extending his reach.
~ A mini shovel
~ And assorted tools I couldn't identify

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

This is ingenuity!

While driving and running errands, I happened upon this cyclist who would park every so often to rummage through the garbage. I never saw him retrieve anything him but was most impressed with his set up and the ease in which he could cart it back home.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bow Bike

While walking the streets I'm always amazed by the numerous bikes tethered with plastic chains and left unattended for hours. This is someone's steed, aren't they worried about how they'll get home if it's stolen? After all, it looks so inviting with its cushy seat with big springs, bow tied on the handlebars and nifty basket for holding things as one whisks about.

I know, I have far too much time on my hands!

Monday, April 09, 2007

I wonder...

does someone wear this shirt in public and ever receive a chilly reception? A punch? A sneer? A sarcastic word or three?

See all these questions would run through my mind as I considered dressing. I guess I'm just odd.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


~ Freedom
~ Closeness with the elements
~ Feeling the environment as you enter it
~ Unrestraint
~ Communing with nature

Friday, March 16, 2007


It's not far down to Paradise,
At least it's not for me.
And if the wind is right
You can sail away
and find tranquility.

- - Christopher Cross Sailing

Friday, March 02, 2007

Little Girl

Now this Little Girl's a hard one to photograph because she is always in motion. The moment I am focused, she is prancing off to other areas at such a pace that it's hard to keep up. Little Girl should have been named Prancer! She's been ill and we've been doing our best to help her and restore her health. Fur companions, and this is what they are - they are our companions and confidantes - keep our deepest secrets and fears and provide unconditonal love regardless the terrible moods we are in. They embrace us like no other human form can.

Sunday, February 25, 2007


It seems my beloved Boo has a fetish for gnomes. Can't quite say when it materialized and made its presence known, but it's harmless in the grand scheme of things.

Boo wants Traveling Gnome prominently displayed when I'm photographing and it actually brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh. It's funny the things that inspire and lighten.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


We look at the same space and see entirely different things: Boo saw muscles and barnacles clinging to the surface of everything.

I saw debris.

Perspective makes for one's experience:


Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Here's my little guy in his hunter/gatherer/Alpha Male stance. He lives the Life of Riley. I awaken each morning to him nestled in the covers. Leave for work and he has yet to rise. Return home and he's in the same spot I left him ten hours earlier. If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a pampered cat!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Despite the bitter cold that Southern Californian’s are unaccustomed to, plants continue to thrive and bloom, bringing color and brightness during a dreary season. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our spirit was as strong and durable during the challenging moments in our life? Maybe it is, we just don't know it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Me & My Shadow

My little Buddah gives me unconditional love and I am so blessed to have him as my shadow.

Monday, January 01, 2007


I am spending the morning at my command center updating blogs, listening to Keiko Matsui's The Piano, sipping coffee from my new mug and thinking about change. It's inevitable being the New Year is synonymous with resolutions.

So here's my view:

~ This blog still exits
~ My passion for photography is rejuvenating
~ Different things in everyday life are capturing my attention

~ Post more frequently (though not simply for the sake of posting)
~ Photograph with the intention of having one photograph monthly that I am proud of
~ Inspire myself with themes and perhaps, invite others to provide me a theme. (Scary but exciting at the same time. LOL)

~ Do I continue with commentary/thoughts when inspired or simply post photos and that's it? Feedback welcomed.