Here's my little guy in his hunter/gatherer/Alpha Male stance. He lives the Life of Riley. I awaken each morning to him nestled in the covers. Leave for work and he has yet to rise. Return home and he's in the same spot I left him ten hours earlier. If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a pampered cat!
1 comment:
The other day, I tried and tried and tried to leave a comment here. Finally gave up. :-(
I'm sure what I wrote then, was more *brilliant* {-grin-} than what I'll rmember today. But anyway, I did want to let you know that I was trying. And Blogger was having a 'hissy fit,' or a 'bad hair day' or both. ,-)
Orrrrr, maybe they were doing that update or something, when I tried. Maybe.........
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