Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Here's my little guy in his hunter/gatherer/Alpha Male stance. He lives the Life of Riley. I awaken each morning to him nestled in the covers. Leave for work and he has yet to rise. Return home and he's in the same spot I left him ten hours earlier. If reincarnation is real, I want to come back as a pampered cat!

Thursday, January 18, 2007


Despite the bitter cold that Southern Californian’s are unaccustomed to, plants continue to thrive and bloom, bringing color and brightness during a dreary season. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if our spirit was as strong and durable during the challenging moments in our life? Maybe it is, we just don't know it.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Me & My Shadow

My little Buddah gives me unconditional love and I am so blessed to have him as my shadow.

Monday, January 01, 2007


I am spending the morning at my command center updating blogs, listening to Keiko Matsui's The Piano, sipping coffee from my new mug and thinking about change. It's inevitable being the New Year is synonymous with resolutions.

So here's my view:

~ This blog still exits
~ My passion for photography is rejuvenating
~ Different things in everyday life are capturing my attention

~ Post more frequently (though not simply for the sake of posting)
~ Photograph with the intention of having one photograph monthly that I am proud of
~ Inspire myself with themes and perhaps, invite others to provide me a theme. (Scary but exciting at the same time. LOL)

~ Do I continue with commentary/thoughts when inspired or simply post photos and that's it? Feedback welcomed.